What to Expect

First Visit

Your child will build a lifetime of good oral habits by visiting the dentist at an early age. During your first visit, we'll introduce you and your kid to our dental team and office, creating an enjoyable and informative experience.

What Happens During the First Visit?

After the dentist-patient introduction, we'll perform a comprehensive examination. Since X-rays aren't part of a routine exam, we'll take them when necessary, using our state-of-the-art digital system to see how facial bones and teeth are developing and to find hidden decay.

If your child's teeth don't have any visible problems, we'll perform a dental cleaning and apply a pleasant-tasting fluoride treatment. In addition, we'll provide valuable oral hygiene instructions about brushing, flossing, using fluoride at home, etc. Our dentists will answer any questions and discuss the development of proper dental habits and nutrition. As parents, you play a leading role in keeping your child's smile bright and healthy.

Do I Need to Stay with My Child During the Dental Visit?

If your child is over the age of three, we ask that you allow our staff to keep them company during the dental visit, as we are all highly trained to help children overcome anxiety. Separation anxiety is normal and fleeting in children, so please try not to be concerned if your child experiences this problem.

Studies and our extensive experience have shown that most children over three react positively when they live the dental visit on their own and in a kid-friendly environment. We'll be happy to answer any questions concerning your child's particular needs.

There are several things you can do to help your child enjoy their dental visit:

  • Tell them that the dentist is a friendly doctor who cares for children's teeth and smiles.
  • Tell them that the dentist will only count and clean their teeth during the first visit.
  • Please avoid any reference to needles, drilling, or hurting, which will only frighten your child. We will explain these things if necessary.
  • Don't let anyone tell your child scary stories about dental visits.
  • When in doubt, say as little as possible. Please, never make promises you know you can't keep.
  • Talk about your child's first dental visit in a positive, matter-of-fact way, as you would about any new experience. A visit to the dentist should be a delightful adventure for your child.

We strive to make every visit to our office a fun one!

Starting at Age 1

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Dental Association (ADA), and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommend establishing a "Dental Home" for your child when they turn one.

A dental home is another place parents can turn to aside from the emergency room.

Pleasant First Visit

When you take your child to the dentist at age one, the staff will introduce you to the dental office, creating a pleasant and smooth first visit. During this time, we put emphasis on assessing your kid's oral health. We can manage caries (tooth decay) or developmental disturbances early. We may also apply a fluoride varnish to counteract signs of cavities on newly erupted teeth.

Five Steps for Baby's First Dental Visit

Step 1

Clinical Examination by Age One

  • Complete medical history
  • Knee-to-knee exam with a guardian
  • Note clinical dental caries
  • Soft tissue irregularities
  • White-spot lesions, tongue anatomy
  • Enamel decalcification, hypoplasia
  • Dietary staining

Step 2

Caries Risk Assessment

  • Bottle or breastfed at night on demand
  • Non-water in bedtime bottle
  • Decalcification or caries present
  • No oral home care
  • Sugary foods, snacks

Step 3

Diet Counseling for Infants

  • No juice or milk in bed
  • No sippy cups, as they can encourage decay
  • Avoid sugar drinks and sodas
  • Encourage a varied and balanced diet
  • Buy low-sugar snacks
  • Make sure your child uses both topical and systemic fluoride

Step 4

Oral Home Care for Infants

  • Teach your kid to brush and massage teeth and gums twice daily
  • Buy a small, soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Make sure your child uses a tiny amount of toothpaste with fluoride
  • Provide guidance on thumb sucking or pacifier use
  • Respond quickly to home accidents and trauma

Step 5

Future Visit

  • Base future appointments on risk assessment
  • Schedule a visit at age one
  • If your child is delayed in development, schedule a visit at age two

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